Gate between Old Ascalon & The Breach?
Sorry I don't know if this is the right forum for this - I hope so. hehehe
Anyways, I've seen on map's here & elsewhere that there are 2 warp's between Old Ascalon & The Breach in Post Searing. Now I know the 1 gate is where Gate Guard holis is, the other gate is where you went through to get to the Northlands when you were in pre-searing.
Now my problem is that with all my characters I only ever have the warp where Holis is. I have never worked out how the other gate is supposed to be opened - there doesn't appear to be any lever's or anything, and the Gate Guard who stands by it on the Old Ascalon side never has anything to say. Yet on every map I've seen it shows that as possible warp zone.
Now for me I don't mind going the long way... but it's sort of irksome for me to have this gate standing there not opened for me.. yet see other people seem to have opened it as they show it as a warp zone. I would love to know if that really is a way of getting from Old Ascalon to The Breach and back and just how to open it.
Attached is a pic taken from of the of the maps that I d/l'ed off this site with the gate/warp showing (cut off to just the right place) with a red circle drawn around the gate/warp that I can't see/open.